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Welcome to Our Dermal Fillers Page

At Golden Aesthetics Medspa, we understand that achieving your desired look involves enhancing your natural beauty with subtle, yet impactful changes. That's why we offer a comprehensive range of dermal filler treatments tailored to address your unique concerns and goals.

What are Dermal Fillers?



Dermal fillers are gel-like substances that are injected beneath the skin to restore lost volume, smooth wrinkles, and enhance facial  and body contours. They are made from various materials, including hyaluronic acid, calcium hydroxylapatite, and poly-L-lactic acid, each with its own unique properties and benefits. 

  1. Lip Enhancement: Achieve fuller, more defined lips with our lip filler treatments. Whether you desire subtle volume enhancement or a more dramatic pout, our skilled injectors will create natural-looking results that complement your facial features.

  2. Cheek Augmentation: Restore lost volume to your cheeks and enhance your facial contours with our cheek filler treatments. Say goodbye to sunken cheeks and hello to a youthful, lifted appearance.

  3. Under Eye Rejuvenation: Banish dark circles, hollows, and under-eye bags with our under-eye filler treatments. Smooth away signs of fatigue and rejuvenate your delicate under-eye area for a refreshed, well-rested look.

  4. Nasolabial Fold Reduction: Soften the appearance of smile lines and nasolabial folds with our dermal filler treatments. Restore a smoother, more youthful complexion and regain your confidence.

  5. Jawline definition and Jowl reduction: enhance the definition and contour of the jawline. By injecting filler along the jawline, it's possible to create a more sculpted, angular appearance or restore lost definition due to aging or genetics.

  6. Body Enhancement and Contouring:  Create volume, erase divets and erase the signs of skin laxity for a more youthful appearance in areas of the body such as hands, hip dips, thighs and dierrier.  Restore laxity and erase divets.

                    Consult with one of our Expert injectors to see how filler can work for you.



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